AAudit of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) is of fundamental importance as it conveystransparency, reliability and security, in addition to promoting the maintenance of certifications and recognition of tax exemptions and immunities of the organization that operates in society, characteristics that can enable new investors/donors and provide a greater reach of its institutional objectives, as it will have more resources for its real purpose, the promotion of social practices and improvement of the population's quality of life.
The audit examination for Entities, made by independent auditors, is a requirement that can be made by the Public Authorities, by Financiers, Statutory or Legal, or even, by liberality of the management body in convergence with the concepts of corporate governance.
Main benefits
Request and maintain recognition of tax exemptions and immunities
Auditing in civil society organizations makes it possible to adapt administrative, accounting and tax practices for an Organization to claim or maintain tax exemptions and immunities recognized by municipal, state and federal public authorities, such as the Certificate of Social Assistance Benevolent Entity (Certificate of Social Assistance Benevolent Entity). CEBAS).
Preservation of Civil and Criminal Integrity
Reduces the degree of exposure and accountability of the Organization's Senior Management in relation to potential irregular or illegal behavior by its employees.
Increased Efficiency
Reduces the incidence of questions and possible non-conformities, which can generate misappropriation of resources;
Avoids risks of legal sanctions, financial losses and loss of reputation, and
Increases the quality of decisions within the organization, reducing operational costs;
Competitive advantage
It is an important strategy for business competitiveness and attractiveness, as global society is increasingly becoming aware of the importance of social actions, demanding that organizations adopt postures and behaviors that reflect these values.
Productivity Gains
An ethical organizational culture influences the integrity of employees, reducing the incidence of behaviors that represent deviations.