Tax and Tax Advice
Vorcon can help your organization make adiagnosistax and an analysis of its operationsin order toChecksr os main tax impacts.
From this diagnosis of operations it is possible identifyopportunities to reduce current load tax orcreditsarising from undue taxation, difficulty in inter-pretationof legislation, divergences inparameterizationsof systemsor yet, lack of tax or accounting records orspearmentsand improper bookkeeping.
Tax Advice
The main consultancy services are:
Tax Diagnosis;
Proposing ideas to reduce the tax burden andlifttamentoand monetization of federal and state tax credits;
Preparation of claims for special regimes;
Analysis, identification and monitoring of incentivestax;
Support in handling inspections;
Preparation of specialist expert reports to support processesadministrative and judicial matters, administrative litigation, etc.
Furthermore, we assist our clients inrestructuring operationscorporate (incorporation, merger, spin-off,increasecapital, etc.),with the objective of optimizing and identifying the best corporate structure and tax.
Administrative Litigation
The litigation service administrative of Vorcon isintention carry out aassessment thorough ofpotential risk ofyour company and,leave In addition, prepare astrategic plan for agreementwith theneedofclient, in order to reduce the Law Suit of impactsunfavorableisgenerated by theLaw Suit inResources Humans,Revenue and Taxes.
Vorcon can assist yourcompany to theto analyze the procedurestoss tax; provide preventive support withhereo tax lawsto the;and develop losses of tax origin withlegal focusIt is accounting.
Tax Diagnosis, Proposition of ideas of reducing thecharge tax and Collection and Monetization ofCreditsTaxfederal and state In Brazil, the laws taxes are diverse and thismay make it difficult to correctly interpretdeviceslegal, the preparation and control of the calculation of taxes and cause overpayments or undue payments.
Vorcon can help your organization make adiagnosis tax and an analysis of its operations in order to verify the main tax impacts.From this diagnosis ofoperations it is possible to identify opportunities toreduction of the currenttax burden or credits arising from taxationundue, difficulty of interpretationof legislation,divergences in system parameterizations or even, lack of tax records oraccounting or posting
Civil Litigation
The serviceof litigation Vorcon civilcovers Themost ofproblems from thelife everyday, asobjectionslinked tosawlations of contracts, disputes between partners orshareholders, brandsIt ispatents, possessory rights, among others.
Our work covers all federal taxes, state and municipal and labor charges and social security, taking into accountconsiderationthe period statute of limitations of 05 (five) years, such as: TaxCorporate Income (IRPJ); Social Contribution on Profit (CSLL); I ProgramSocial integration (PIS);Contribution to OFinancing Social Security (COFINS); Taxabout Products Industrialized (IPI); Tax on Financial Operations (IOF); Tax on the Circulation of Goods and Services (ICMS);
Service Tax of Any Nature (“ISSQN”); Labor and social security charges (INSS, FGTS,etc.);and, Any other Federal Tax,State and Municipal.
Tax Compliance
Taxes have an impactsignificant in costs andperformance ofcompanies. In this way, it is essentialThecorrect administration of taxes in Brazil.
Some of ourservices in compliance can be consulted below:
Indirect Taxes
Vorcon offers solutions forassistantthe areatax of companies and groups business Theto fulfill with countless existing tax rules, such as:
Review of tax procedures for calculating ICMS, IPI, ISSQN, PIS, COFINS IOF, CIDE,tax Import, Retentions, compliance with special regimes, among others; Preparation of Books to support extemporaneous credits in PIS, COFINS, IPI and ICMS; Review, managementor fill ofaccessory obligations (EFD-ccontributions,EFD-ICMS/IPI, GIA, Siscoserv, PER/DCOMP's and similar).