Outros Serviços | Vorcon Auditoria e Consultoria | Brasil
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Other services

Management Reports

AVorcon count with one team of professionals prepared to to meetto the needs in reports managerial,for companies nationals and internationals.


Among our services are:


-  Report Package

-  Financial statements in IFRS AND USGAAP

-  Balance sheets accountinginagreement asflat in company accountsheadquarters abroad

Paralegal Services


Vorcon, with your professionals experienced,offers support in paralegal activities of your company.


We count on knowledgein our professionals for services informalization in people legal, in addition from thetax regularity andregistration of customers regardingto the regulatory agenciesIt is public agencies.

Strategic Purchasing​​

AVorcon Assistsyour customers, through its experts Thesought theexcellence in the processin purchases through instrategic consultancy and market analysis and negotiation withsuppliers.

Benefits Advisory


Vorcon offers consultancy in benefits in the areas of health, dentist It ispension counting with team highly qualified and partnerships with experts.

Cadastral Review

Ours professionals are able to assistant your organization withto the better solutions regarding cadastral review.


Among the works provided by Vorcon are:


–  Review of each material in relation The your internal code, yourdescription, and respective NCM code

–  Full code eight positions

–  Review/structuring of the standarddescriptive (short textIt islong text);

–  Review of the units of measurement of items;

–  Identify It is delete items In duplicity:

more of one code for the same description and/or more than one description for the same code;

–  Identify similar items, and unify them under an NCM code;

–  ReviewTheClassification Supervisor for you codes NCMexisting;

–  To look for information techniquesmissing in manufacturers' documents.

–  Review the CNPJ  and State Registration of suppliers;

–  Review Municipal and UF Code.

Economic and Financial Feasibility Study (EVEFI)


Through in yourprofessionalsexperienced,Vorcon performs the EVEFI helping your customers to analyze Omarketo and viability of its future investments.

Paralegal Services


Formalization in people legal, in addition from the tax compliance and registration of customers in reference of the agencies regulatory and public bodies.

Corporate Marketing


Vorcon offers consultancy in corporate marketing and managementof social networks countingwith team highly qualified andpartnerships with experts.


Vorcon Trainings

Finance, Controllership and Internal Controls through EXCEL

  • Improvement of management reports;

  • Time optimization with dynamic spreadsheets;

  • Graphics that are easily updated;

  • Quality of information for decision making;

  • Accounting, managerial knowledge and Audit vision in preparing reports;

 ® All rights reserved Vorcon 2023

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